Tuesday 2 November 2010

controversey in Malawi

The link below is from an independent online newspaper (the editors of which have had to seek asylum in the UK because of persecution in Malawi). Regardless, every newspaper in Malawi is printing this story. The Catholic Church has sent a "strongly worded letter" to the President, condemning many of his actions. This is a major step in a country where nobody speaks out against the government, or authority of any kind. I guess they feel they are protected from on high. Anyway, I think it gives a good summary of what's going on in politics here. Please take the time to read it. Democracy? Pah!



  1. When I tried to get to it initially, it wouldn't let me as there was an error. Before I refreshed I thought "Oh no - they've got this one too...". Luckily, just a server glitch or summat.

    V. interesting that the Bishops can be so political. Are you going to keep an eye on what flows from this even after you leave?

  2. The government response to this letter has been quite muted. They mentioned something about having received it, and thanked the bishops for their input, but nothing else has happened since - so I'm not sure there will be any developments on this front unfortunately. But yes, I think I will try to keep up with Malawian news online once I leave to see how things are going.
