Tuesday, 1 March 2011

late update - tourism in NYC and Brooklyn

fun in the hall

monkey see, monkey do...

walking in Central Park

The big lady, from Brooklyn

downtown skyline from Brooklyn

Brooklyn bridge and looking up to the midtown skyline

the arch at the entrance to Prospect Park, Brooklyn's equivalent to Central Park (designed by the same team)

Hitting the slopes in Prospect Park

Rach in the Bonsai section of the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens

The Brooklyn Bridge...5th attempt at the photo!

Rach getting down with the kids...downtown behind her

the anticlimax of Wall Street...

Where the 'magic' happens...

An elevator door in the Chrysler Building

Sorry for delay in blogging, looking after kids takes time! And we've also been lucky enough to have visitors (see later blog). Anyway, this was a small selection of photos mainly from a 'tourist day' Rach and I had. More blogging to come later (hopefully) - but now we will head off for a run down here in the sunshine of Virginia.

Love to all,

A & R

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